Serie includes 81 albums .
Zutto Issho | Together forever
Konton Naru Eros e Youkoso
Morisama no Sainan - Morisama's Misfortune
Omodume BOX XXIV
I Want to be Engulfed in the Darkness of the Tyrant's Eye!
Mecha Shiko Tenshi de Fudeoro Summer
Nemuri Hime demo Koi ga Shitai?
Ryuukousei Kanbou Chuunibyou A-gata
もし丹生 もし元中二病の男子高校生が丹生谷さんと付き合うことになったら
Instant Summer of Big Dicks 2! LOVE
I have the Mabinogion, and I want to have sex with Mori Summer!