Serie includes 949 albums .
Nee-sama ni Omakase
Eroname Kokanda yo! DaiMari YoshiMaru Funnyuu Omorashi Matsuri!!
Watanabe no Kyuujitsu ~episode of Tsuki 2~ | Watanabe's Day Off ~episode of Tsuki 2~
YOSHIKAN ~ Yohane Daten!?
Hug yori Motto Sugoi Koto | Something much better than a hug
School Idol no Kyuujitsu Soushuuhen I
Onsen Mikan o Meshiagare | 온천 귤을 맛있게 드세요
JK Idol to
Futari de Nakayoku Ichaicha Morning
催眠 (よ02
(C99) [corori (Yopparai Oni?)] KANAKAN Kanan-chan to wakan biyori (Love Live! Sunshine!!)[Chinese]【羅莎莉亞漢化】